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Administrative management
Bureau de travail
  • Maintenance and update of information relating to the condominium.

  • Maintenance of the list of owners.

  • Organization of GAs and meetings of the condominium council.

  • Provide minutes and reports.

  • Request for quotes and drawing up of contracts with contractors.

  • Representing the co-owners in the signing of contracts.

  • Follow-up of litigation files in consultation with the appointed lawyer.

  • Provision of the requested certificates.

  • Provision of the necessary information, on behalf of the notary, during the sale or transfer of an apartment.

  • Consignment of the basic data of the building, in accordance with the basic deed.

  • Representation of co-owners in all other acts, including legal disputes with third parties or co-owners, with the possible assistance of a specialized lawyer.

  • Possibility for the co-owners to consult all the official administrative documents in their personal space.

  • Etc.

Agent immobilier agréé IPI sous les numéros  503.815 et 512.649 - N° entreprise : BE - 0847 477 716 

rpm Bruxelles - Instance de contrôle: IPI, rue du Luxemburg 16B, 1000 Bruxelles

Soumis au code déontologique de l’ IPI:

AXA Belgium - numéro de police 730 390 160

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