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Technical management

We consider technical management to be an essential task of a syndic or real estate manager. We are in a position to carry out routine inspections, make proposals and take initiatives in relation to the condominium council and the various co-owners in order to ensure the building is in an optimal state and to maintain it.

Outils Handman

We pay specific attention to the following topics:

  • Water infiltrations

  • Condensation problems

  • Roofs

  • Electrical Installations

  • Emergency lighting

  • Elevators

  • Central heating

  • Pumps and accessories

  • Fire protection

  • Door phone

  • Windows, doors and automatic doors

  • Paint work

  • Sewers

Agent immobilier agréé IPI sous les numéros  503.815 et 512.649 - N° entreprise : BE - 0847 477 716 

rpm Bruxelles - Instance de contrôle: IPI, rue du Luxemburg 16B, 1000 Bruxelles

Soumis au code déontologique de l’ IPI:

AXA Belgium - numéro de police 730 390 160

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